Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I am just so drained. It started around noon yesterday at work. I had a HUGE deadline I had to meet by 5 p.m. and I began feeling nauseous. You can push through this, I kept telling myself. But, my body was denying me that delicacy. I just crashed. I couldn't turn my head without feeling dizzy. I was feverish. I found that cold, dark and quiet room where I used to (breast) pump and I laid down for about 30 minutes.

I had one tiny section left. One tiny section -- the last part of the magazine -- and my deadline would have been met. Instead, I felt like I was going to fall over. Finally, I had to throw in the towel. I couldn't physically deal. I called my hubby, and he came to pick me up. I came home and slept for about 16 hours -- waking up only to throw up, ick!

Today, I dragged myself out of bed and went in for a half day -- I finished my two deadlines miraculously and then -- at lunch time -- I headed home. You can imagine my delight when I come home and find my 2-year-old throwing up.

Yeah, lots of fun in the Richardson household lately.

Good news is I feel better than worse, although not great. I'll be back tomorrow:-) And, hopefully feeling much better.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Throwing up.

Body hurting.

My bed is calling.

(Have some soup-and-Gatorade thoughts for me. Ouch)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Like Johnny and June

Hey guys!
(Do you feel the refreshing breeze in here?) Ahhh ... it's called being free and happy. I was uber thrilled to see you guys here! Wow, that makes me feel great. So, it's Sunday morning and I've bailed on church.

I shouldn't really say that I bailed. Just that I woke up with cramps (blech!) And my hubby looks at the time and says to me "Okay. We need to get moving. You have exactly 30 minutes."

His words hurt my aching body. Did he just say "get moving?" And then, my body rebelled. (I can blame it on my baby-producing body, can't I) There was zero energy to do anything. And the thought of finding a clean outfit ... draining!

So, here I am on my blog -- skipping church.

It's all good. I took my dog, Gator, to the park and talked to God the entire time. Now, that's church. Some of my favorite moments with God are our times alone -- no music, no people, no distractions.

So, I didn't go to the building today, but I did have church:-)

One more thing: What's this about continuing the year-long blog? Are you guys actually crazy enough to want to read 365 days of (mostly crazy) life? If you are, let me know.

Okay, two more things: I've been listening to this song today that I just L-O-V-E! I swear, this would have been my wedding song if it had been out then. I love it!

Here you go. (Johnny and June, by Heidi Newfield.)

"Oh there's something 'bout a man in black, Makes me want to buy a Cadillac ...
Throw the top back, And roll down to Jackson town ... I wanna be there on the stage with you ... I wanna love like Johnny and June, Rings of fire burnin' with you, I wanna walk the line, Walk the line, 'Till the end of time ..."

If you go to and type in "Johnny and June," you can hear it. (The song had me at "throw the top back.")

Friday, August 22, 2008

Here we go ...

If you have made it this far with me, thank you thank you thank you, for sticking with me for this long. Many of my readers know me by a personal blog that I began about five years ago. And the others know me from the professional blog I launched for the Gainesville Sun -- their first parenting blog -- also called The Mom Blog. So, here we are. I am anxious to hear who's with me. Well ...

Oh, and please feel free to leave your link (fellow bloggers) so that I can add you to my blog roll!