So, here are some random pictures from my weekend ... very random!!!
This afternoon, I helped my son with a school project about dogs and their "professions." We glued this picture to a white poster board for his presentation tomorrow. I wanted to share this just because I loved it so much.
Baby boy and dear daughter:-) 7 months; and 7 years old.
In my last post, I talked about driving by my old campus apartment. My old bedroom was where that top window (with the window air conditioner) is. We had plenty of birthday parties, lazy, quiet Saturdays and barbecues in this little place. Our neighbors were from Iceland, and we were always having "building" potlucks. It was so much fun. Any way, I when I hear anything Dixie Chicks, I think of the summer of 2002 when I would leave my windows open and blast my Dixie Chicks. Simple times and ... lots of studying, too.
So, on the way to our old place, the kids and I drove by one of our favorite all-time picnic spots, which is on the lawn of the famous-for-its-architecture Baughman Center--also a favorite wedding spot for countless couples. On this day, we didn't stop because of a wedding ceremony. We drove by slowly and saw the bride in her beautiful, crisp, white gown; and we saw a horse-led carriage. It is always a beautiful spot, no matter what time of year you visit. I have been to a few weddings there as well-- all of them breathtaking.
More big boy smiles! So, who here knows his name? I've gotten SO much crap about his name. It's annoying! But, I love it! Oh, and if you know it, do not give it away ... please. I may or may not do that.
Saturday afternoon at the local (free) dog park. It sits right beside a firestation and the kids love seeing the trucks each time we drive by. Oh, and that is my dog--I promise. No, I do not bring my 2-year-old here for exercise. (Okay, in a sense, I do.) Although, he does have one of those kiddie leashes. That could have been funny, huh?
I know the name!!! I know the name to all 4 kiddos!!! :)
Awww! And I am glad that you do!!
I love the little guy's name, I really do! And he's not the only one I know by that name. It's very strong. Anyone who gives you crap should be glad that it's not so long and multi-syllabic that he won't be able to spell it as a kindergartener.
rachel primer dies skiers qkwez headquarter iron rebecca schudson profanity discloses
lolikneri havaqatsu
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