The call came today!
My hubby got the call ... they offered him the position! Yippee. I am so, so happy and excited for him. Today, we told the kids that daddy is going to be a __________! They were thrilled--although I think my daughter had already figured it out.
So, I was sitting at my desk just after 10 a.m. when I got an e-mail from hubby. "I got it. Call me."
Well, we had been talking about "it" for so long. "It" was always "the call." So, when he said "it," I was going crazy ... "It what?! The job?! The call?! The offer call or the rejection call?!" I couldn't stand it anymore and I called.
"What happened?!"
"They offered me the position!" I could hear him smiling. "I start in three weeks. October 27."
"Yay! That is so great! I am so happy for you ... We'll talk on my lunch break."
I rushed home on my lunch break, where he gave me all of the details ... when the call came, how it came, what he said, what she said. We celebrated, hi-fived each other, hugged. We were sooooo happy. And then, that other thing hit us:
"Oh yeah ... day care," he said to me.
We spent my lunch break together in front of the computer and on the phone. We called our local Child Care Resources agency to see if they could help--because that's what they are there for ... to help struggling families with child care options.
But, we had quickly discovered again what I had already known--that they are there for single moms ... and they foster an environment of settling for less ... they encourage people to cheat the system through an all-or-nothing mentality. I know quite a few women who have done that -- and, for years.
Okay, so we weren't going to get any help from them. I got in my car to drive back to work and I was doing the math in my head. For two children to go to child care and for the two older ones to go to after care, this is what it looks like:
• $700 for the baby
• $600 for the toddler
• $300 in "Aftercare" fees for my oldest son.
• $300 in "Aftercare" fees for N, my daughter.
Grand total=$1,900 per month.
My husband, as a recruit, is going to bring in a little over minimum wage. They are going to send him to school and only after he graduates and gets a position will he start getting paid for real with a decent salary.
Okay, so let's do the math: I will be paying just under 50 percent of our entire income towards day care. I just do not know how we are going to manage. I just know that somehow we will.
But, I refuse to stress over the seemingly impossible day care bill. I simply refuse. Instead, I will finish the night out ... celebrating the good news of today.
And since I always say it out loud: "Thank you, God. We are so grateful for who you are and everything you give us."
So, any guesses on the job title?
My guess is a Cop for the career but it could also be a sales position but for some reason cop jumped out to me right away. As far a daycare, I think your only option is to find someone to come into your house because if you are barely making it now on your income (I do not mean that in a bad way because I am in the same boat!) then you will have even less money if you add his income and take away for daycare. I would think you could easily find someone responsible to come to your home for $300.00 a week TOTAL. There are so many seniors who live on a pension that can still take care of all your kids with no problem. $300.00 a week would be a great income for so many people in Gainesville and you may not even have to offer them that much. Start low, you can always go higher! Good Luck! Hey, how did you pay your phone bill and get them turned back on so fast?! I am glad he got the call. Luv ya!
Hey Joley!
No, our cell phones are off. We got the call at home. Thank goodness for house phones:-)
Thanks for this advice. We are going to talk about it tonight. (I'm on lunch right now)
An in your home or home caregiver is a great and more affordable idea. Now just finding someone that you trust and can handle four kids but I will be praying for you. Take Care.
Cop is my guess as well, that or firefighter/EMT/Rescue services. From everything you're written about him, he's seem like a very authoritative/hero kind of a guy, right? As long as he's your family's hero!
Congratulations! I kept praying for him to get 'the call' and for it to be good news.
Hurrah! (for the call, not the daycare.)
Thank you guys for thinking of my hubby and I ... and my whole family. It means so much to have people right here with me, everyday, a part of the journey. Thanks again!
I would offer to come to your home, but I'm too far away...Have you tried sittercity.com or care.com?
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