Thursday, October 16, 2008

46: Meet my boss

How fitting that today was National Boss' Day. (You know, since today is Thursday and Thursdays are my Office days!) So, yesterday, my co-worker, R, and I, waited for our boss to leave the office. We snuck into his office and swiped his stapler so that we could give him the best Boss' Day gift ever -- what else? But, stapler in Jell-O, Office style.

And if you didn't know, I have my own version of The Office going on at work--I am not kidding you.

The Office's "Michael S."

My "Michael S."

So, Michael was so touched by our Jell-o gift that he kept that blue glob on his desk all day long. By the end of the day, the Jell-o had turned into a syrupy, soupy mess. He said he didn't want to move it because he liked the smell of the blue raspberry Jell-O. Sounds like something the other Michael S. might say. We all got a good laugh out of it.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh... How did I forget that the Office was on last night? It's the only show I watch on tv now. I tried to watch in online this morning and all I could view was the one delete scene. Oh man oh man. I don't know about you but I definitely have a Meredith and a Kelly in my office and there is no Jim.

Anonymous said...

So Suzy, we are having pizza hut for lunch today at work... which got me thinking... I bet the pepperoni was for your niece.

Suzy A. Richardson said...

Okay, so, you CANNOT, MUST NOT miss another Office Thursday! And, you are totally right: Mine was the pineapple! Yum.

Suzy A. Richardson said...

... and, who are you, anon?

Anonymous said...

A loyal faithful reader from your days at Gville Moms