So, ugh, the reality is that ... I have four children--two still in diapers--and I am the only one working. It is simply frustrating ... frustrating for everyone in the household.
At the end of the month, we have enough money to pay our bills and keep the lights on and keep food on the table. But, we really have nothing else after that, so if something comes up, that's not a good thing. In fact, it's a very bad thing.
Recently, we had to get the mom van fixed, and that was almost $300. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch ... especially when you have just enough money to pay the bills. That $300 meant that a few of the bills went unpaid and guess which was the first to go? Ummm, the cell phone.
I knew it was going to be turned off today, and it happened just before 6 p.m. and just after I hung up with my son. "Bye," I said. "I love you." I then dialed a friend's number, and I got that evil, little message--the 'services have been interrupted' one.
So, that was super frustrating, but to top it all off, hubby has not received THE CALL yet. (The Call is the one from a possible employer; he had the interview last Thursday.) We both thought that--for sure--he would hear something by now. But, not a peep. And with our phones being turned off, and the stressed being turned on--we are stressed out.
We need this job more than ever. And, it's something that will bring in decent money. Yep. We definitely need that second income. So, I am just hoping and praying that this works out. But, you know what they say ... waiting is the hardest part. It really is.
Now, I am going to finish watching the VP Debate. Any thoughts?
I believe without a doubt that the doors will be opened for your husband just as they were opened for you. There were times when things looked like the perfect opportunity and the doors were shut, but better opportunities were soon placed before you and the doors stayed open. So if this does not work out for him, I know God has something better...but I'm praying that this all works out!
As far as the debate...still watching it. But Palin's joke about nobody getting Biden's and her joke about what the VP does/never under any circumstances becoming a VP...that was pretty funny. It's nice to see them both laugh!
My husband recently lost his job, so we are also without a second income. By the end of this month, it's really going to hurt if he doesn't find something. But, I know God has a plan and it will be okay in His time.
I have to agree with realifeinsc-she is right. Just keep your faith and trust in God...He has something very good in store for both of you-especially for him. God always takes care of those who trust in Him.
Try not to leave any doubt-you don't want to ginx it.
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