Today was special to me.
Just before noon, I stopped by Pizza Hut and picked up two mini-me pizzas--one: no sauce, with pineapples; the other: good old cheese and pepperoni. Think you know me. Guess which was mine? No, really, guess:-)
Just after noon, I was sitting at a lunch table packed with fourth graders. My niece, D, was thrilled to see me. She's always kind of quiet, but with me, a grown-up, sitting at the table, she was being extra shy ... and so were all of the other children. That lasted until I asked one question: "Who is the oldest kid in the class?" And they were off--chit-chatting about birthdays, whose was in the summer time and whose was ... not. It was totally cute and we spent the entire (brief) lunch break talking about everyone's birthdays.
Back at work--in front of a magazine--I remembered that I was in for a special treat tonight: my mother had volunteered to take the kids--ALL of the kids--to church with her. That meant...hubby and I would have a one-on-one date--something that rarely happens.
"What do you want to do for our hot date?" I e-mailed him.
As I typed those three, little letters, I envisioned ... romance over a candlelit dinner. And you want to know what he thought when I typed those three, little letters? Well, he was thinking about three other little (many-times annoying) letters.
Can you guess what they are?
I just laughed. I laughed because ... yeah right, I am going to stay home and have hot sex with you instead of going out on a kid-free date. Yeah. right. It was rather comical, and when I didn't respond, he knew what the deal was.
Which is why ... when I walked in the door from worked, he asked where we were going to do it. And by it, I mean dinner! (Too much sex-talk in this post!)
I was hungry, but not famished. That greasy, cheesy mini-me pizza had me feeling yucky. We went for a small side dish of bang-bang shrimp and then we did something really romantic: we hit the tattoo parlor.
We walked in to a little joint called Anthem, just off of University Avenue. Hubby talked to a burly, tattoo-covered guy about getting a cross. "Hey, where's the um, Jesus book?" the guys asked his co-workers. I thought that was so cute.
"Yeah, let's see the Jesus book!"
We found a cross that hubby liked and I began looking through books for a dove, which I want to represent my sister and at the same time, the Holy Spirit, who keeps me in line on a daily basis. *I love you*
And the really cool thing is that these guys draw their tats; no off-the-wall flash tattoos. Mine is so special to my heart that no one else in the world can have it.
So, that's how I spent my day and night--with people I love dearly.
Now, tomorrow, I meet with the book publisher at 11:30 a.m. We are set to meet at Red Lobster. Why am I so nervous? It's mainly because I don't even really understand what this meeting is about. I know he wants to talk to me about Tebow. But, can I deliver Tebow? I don't really think so, because of legalities with UF.
Maybe I can deliver something else. You know what? No. No, I am not going to be nervous. He's just a guy; just like I'm just a girl. And God is bigger than the both of us.
I’ve Moved…
12 years ago
You'll have to let us know how the meeting goes! I can't wait to hear!
P.S. I remember what kind of pizza you liked to order back in our South Carolina days! ;)
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