Friday, October 17, 2008

47: "Get over here, now, E-mail!"

Um, I just called my kid "E-mail".

So, I was sitting at my computer, checking me e-mail, as my 2-year-old, Eli, was running around making this high-pitch sound that should be banned in all 50 states.

I knew that I needed to get my message across to him loud and clear ... and immediatley. So, with a stern voice, I said "Get over here now, E-mail."

He stopped what he was doing and imitated me--but with a question in his voice. "E-mail?"


Anonymous said...

That is the funniest post ever. That is so me. My son just walked in the room and looked at me like I was crazy because I was laughing so hard that I actually had tears. And then I read him the post. He said, "That sounds like you, Mom." I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Thanks for the late night chuckle!

Anonymous said...

its worse when you call your kids your pet names or your pets your kids names! but I would say this tops it off!!

so maybe someone's mind is double tasking...sort of! LOL

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you still managed to get his attention! heh heh