Tuesday, September 16, 2008

16: Sticky syrup and the little things in life.

I have spent the last fews days becoming addicted to facebook. I have found about 40 people I know well and have reconnected. I love facebook for that.

So, today was a wonderful day of off work for me. I used one of my "free" holidays from work and took the day off so that hubby could take care of some business. That business was bright and early -- 7 a.m. So, he took off before the sun came up, and I bravely prepared all of the kids for all of their days -- if you are a mom, then you know what I mean when I say: what work!

I managed to lie back down for a brief moment as both 2-year-old E and 6-month-old R slept. It was indeed a brief moment, and then my phone rang. An in-law. "No, he's not home. Yes, you did wake me up."

And with that, baby R was wide awake. But, my hubby was just around the corner. We had delicious plans to go to have a date -- with both children in tow -- at Cracker Barrel. Yum. I wanted the French toast, cheese grits and an ice-cold Coke. The waitress was ... brand-new, I think. We were confused, but she was more confused.

I was trying not to spend too much money -- you know, because if the ridiculous amount of money I just spent on gas. And so she helped me work out some kind of plan. I ordered everything separately -- but in smaller portions.

The food was hot, and the Coke was freezing Cold. I loved the caffeine at that moment. But, I loved my hubby's company even more. We had a wonderful two hours -- chatting about his full morning; about kids; about homes; about money; about how long we have been together. I say 12 years; but he swears 11. Unfortunately, I lost the argument, and he was right. It has been 11 years.

When the waitress handed my hubby the check, I asked to see it the way I always do. I like to know how the money is being spent.

• "How much for cheese?"
• "Uh, I don't think so. She said just .50, not $1."
• "How much did I just pay for half the amount of food I usually get ... like double?!"

Yes, with my waitress' help, I had just managed to pay almost $10 for a meal I usually pay just about $6 for ... because we had rang up smaller portions, but separately."

Please, tell me how that makes any sense. Well, the manager took care of the issue right away. I still don't like the idea of paying $1 for cheese that I am going to put into a $2 bowl of grits. No way. Okay, whatever. I was just glad that I was paying attention.

Speaking of paying attention, on my way out the door, I was carrying a baby carrier with my very heavy 6-month-old in it. Honestly, I didn't realize how heavy this child was because my hubby always does all of the carrying. I was struggling so hard, with the baby in one hand and my to-go Coke in the other.

I get to the front door when a group of women are just standing there, smiling at my baby. Okay, I am thinking, these nice ladies are going to open this really heavy door for struggling me. Nope. They just smiled and watched as I pulled that heavy door open, and as I did, my Coke slipped from my hand and it was down the front of my shirt.

I was a hot, sticky mess. But the worst part: we had to go to Wal Mart to pick up some baby formula. We were out, like right now. So, yuck, I had to sit in that sticky mess for about another hour until after we picked the kids up from school.

I guess some people don't pay attention, I don't know. But, I think you should always go out of your way to help another human being who is struggling. Always. We need to give to each other in every way we can -- even in the small ways. That small thing could make the difference of a woman having to spend the next hour of her life covered in sticky syrup -- but, you know, just in that area. (I know, really nice!)

I don't care; thats' how I feel. And in my opinion, that's just the way it should be.

Good night, and enjoy your day tomorrow! Let me know how it goes, okay?


Karen L. said...

Sometimes I think the mommies need to be the ones who have an extra change of clothes on hand all the time instead of the kids.

Oh and I love the Cracker Barrel too, yummmm. The food is great and sometimes you can find the coolest things in their little store.

Seyi said...

Facebook is totally addictive, I love it though. That whole bit about spilling the coke is awful even more so because you couldn't go straight home.

I've had to stop wearing my grey workout pants because after a good workout I look like I've wet my pants. Seriously and I have to ride the train 12 stops in order to go home. I needed to wear a sign that said "No I didn't pee in my pants I went to the gym." LOL!

Stace said...

OMG where was your hubby and why wasn't he carrying the baby?