Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What's going on with Melissa? Can you e-mail me her cell number? I lost it awhile back when I changed phones. I want to call and check on her:-) You can e-mail it to suzyarichardson@gmail.com. Thanks so much!!

Oh, and this is not my daily post, everyone:-)


Holly said...

Suzy how can I find you on facebook?? you can find me as holly morris shook

Anonymous said...
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Suzy A. Richardson said...

It said no results for that. You can find me under Suzy Richardson (in Gainesville, FL.) I hope you can find me! You can also find me by searching through my e-mail: suzyarichardson@gmail.com

Stace said...

where did that email come from? I swear if i email you i have like 15+ emails to send it to, to make sure you get it :) xoxox but glad you found me on facebook you saw that from my post huh? don't lie. :D