I was actually watching the clock the entire time -- I know, I am so bad. But, I was gone after the second minute. At 12:30 sharp, we have to leave I told my hubby. I had a meeting with R, my cohort for the soon-to-launch mom site.
I was envisioning R and I, talking and laughing over hot, buttery rolls. I was envisioning Texas Roadhouse, and I was determined to make it happen.
Around 1, I scooped up R in the mom van, and we were off. With the windows rolled down and some good ole Alan Jackson on, we were off. And so, over hot, buttery rolls, we did indeed chat about the upcoming launch date and the launch party and the Web site contract.
It was all exciting stuff -- ideas shared over a huge Chicken Critter salad (with Ranch on the side) and an ice-cold frozen Strawberry Margarita. The afternoon was absolutely perfect.
With stuffed bellies, we headed to the mall to pick up a few things, and we found a little table in front of the water fountain by the food court. There we sat -- with my three-ring binder open -- and chatted about the site's themes, colors, needs, direction, etc.
"Wow. We're like two totally normal moms, making our dreams come true -- right here in the middle of the Oaks Mall. That's pretty cool," she said to me.
I couldn't have agreed more.
It's all very exciting. But, to be honest, I have never been in business before and I pray that everything goes smoothly and that this site will be all that I have envisioned it to be in my head. I guess it can be scary to just put yourself out there and try, knowing that you could easily fail.
But, for me, I think it would be more scary to just do nothing.
So, moving on from the site stuff, I came home from my meeting and took a luxurious, two-hour nap. Then, my hubby and I hung out with the kids all evening, reading and cooking chicken stir-fry. After the kids were all tucked in for the night, hubby and I headed outside together to take our dog, Gator, to the bathroom.
(Hubby always comes out with me because there are no street lights and it's so dark -- I love how protective he is over me. I just love it.)
So, I am talking to my hubby about the meeting and my day when I feel a warm sensation on my feet -- both of them. My dufus of a dog was spraying my feet. Ewww! I jumped back, but he got me good. I ran upstairs and took a shower. I was totally disgusted. Ugh. I still am.
Great. I have become the pee post.
Yep, that means it's time for me to call it a night. (Hope this post wasn't too random for you, Staci. But, come on, I live a totally and randomly crazy, silly life:-))
ROFLMAO!!!! I'm sorry...but the dog pee'd on you? No way!! was he 'blind" to what was a tree or post? Maybe you said something to your hubby that he didn't like and that was his way of telling you? I don't know! but that is helarious (not in a bad way). I do hope that as you launch your new site that things will work out for you in a positive way. I know its alot of work as I'm working on my site too (for HS reunions). But it will work out-just have faith and trust in God and He will help you through all this. Did you get my email about the Community to add to it? I found out where to get that community. (NING)
Suzy I so know what you mean about churchs...it took me years to find mine!!
Yuuuuuck...the dog thing...ewwwww. Is he an old dog and just didn't know or what??? You poor thing! I would have run straight to the shower too...Well at least you got a nice warm shower before bed huh??
Suzy, a couple of comments: first, if you ever want to check out my family's church (if you haven't already) let me know. We love it there; it's very family-focused, family-friendly and most activities and events revolve around families and children.
Second: Dog pee! Yes, eeewww! But ever since being the recipient of a triple whammy from my oldest son one day a few years ago (a pee shot, a poop shot and a projectile vomit), a little dog pee has yet to bother me as much again!
Love the blog, can't wait for your new web site!
(Triple A Mom)
Hey, Momma Moe! It's so good to see you here. And, all of you ladies! It's so cool to be in touch with you all.
OMG peeing post! Now that's funny!
Random wasn't a bad that AT ALL I guess I never realized how you go from one topic to another b/c you write so well it works. . .for me it's AWFUL so when I read one that went from . . .your website to cake (I think) I thought that was random of you. :) BUT I totally loved it as i do you. xoxox
Love Texas Roadhouse. Hate Peepee feet!
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