Thursday, September 18, 2008

18: Chocolate cake, ice-cold milk.

Physical pain seems to be a theme in my life recently, although hmmm. you think it has anything to do with me having my fourth child recently, just 20 months after my third?

So, I've been walking three times a week (three miles each time,) and I knew it ... I knew it was too good to be true. I knew that my beloved faithful Crocs would one day betray me -- I got blisters today.

And, yes, I know I am a complete idiot for even thinking that Crocs -- just because they feel like heaven on my feet -- would work for that type of walking. Well, I knew I should have listened to my hubby, because I now have blisters on the soles of my feet. I am trying to make my body recover, but it is not all cake.

Speaking of cake ...

I talked to a good friend, Melissa in Ohio, today. I was standing there -- sweaty after a hot, muggy walk -- when my phone rings, and it is Melissa, who I haven't been able to get in contact with recently. In fact, her phone and cable are out because of a storm, I believe. So, we start talking. I'm still sweaty and gross, now there is a kid knocking at my door every few minutes.

... when I had this fabulous idea. "Let me call you back after 9 -- the call will be free and the house will be quiet. And that will give me time to take a nice shower."

What a perfect plan. It's like that piece of chocolate cake that you want to save for the perfect moment -- like when you have an ice-cold glass of milk. Yeah, good friends are like that -- like chocolate cake; and the long, drawn-out, dramatized, deep (and sometimes shallow) conversations after a long week ... is like, well, the ice-cold milk.

You know what I mean?

So, I am meeting up with my business partner, R, on Sunday after church. We are going to meet somewhere for a nice Sunday lunch after church -- sans the children, hers and mine. We are going to finish writing up the contract and looking over our Web designer's contract and hopefully, we will pay the deposit Monday and the site will actually be ... being developed.

I love it!


Stace said...

can i say i've never heard a random post from you but this one was all over the place. I LOVED IT! hahaha.
ok so crocs. . .never tried them but i just might b/c my feet have been killing me.
phone calls-yes are great
cake-yummy if i'm in the mood
your web design. . .i'm stoked!

Marjorie said...

So glad you were finally able to talk with Melissa. Did you ever get my email?

Can't wait to see your new web site. I'm really looking forward to that!

Suzy A. Richardson said...

In all of my 5 years or so, you've NEVER heard a random post from me? Do you know how random I am!? Ha ha!And, I wasn't sure if you meant that as a good thing or what, but random it is!