Sunday, September 28, 2008

28: I guess I'm just ...

frustrated that I cannot write about it right now, and that makes me want to *not* blog. It's like, because blogging has to be a real slice of my life as I am living it, I can hardly type these words. It's because there is so much more going on.

These are the days I wish blogger had private posts. And these are the days I wish life was a bit less complex when it comes to relationships. *Sigh.* I'm sure that as the days go by this week, I'll feel better about the situation. But, not tonight.

(I'm off to write an article for the magazine, due tomorrow. Goodnight.)


Anonymous said...

I don't know why Blogger doesn't have password protect either, but I wish they did! I love Blogger, but have stayed with WordPress because they don't have that feature. ;(

Marjorie said...

I'm praying for you, Suzy. When you can't blog about it, I figure something is wrong. I pray the Lord blesses you and all your relationships at this time.

With Much Love!

Karen L. said...

I hope you are feeling better (emotionally better) soon.

Anonymous said...

Blogging in a sense is like journaling-only you still can't talk about all your secretes like you can in journaling. So I do understand that fustration you may have...but know no matter what, whatever it is you'll still have friends to support you.

People may not agree or like certain things...but hey who doesn't. There is a middle line and learning to accept boundaries is important, even if someone does tell it all.

Karen L. said...

Dee is right Suzy....don't ever limit yourself in fear of offending or upsetting anyone. This is YOUR blog, YOUR space and YOUR freedom to express yourself. We don't follow your blog because we think your perfect or because we think you will always say things we agree with. We follow because through reading your thoughts and experiences we have formed a bond with you. So when you feel ready...we will all still be here...

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

(hey! I'm all caught up on your posts!)